It’s a holiday here in Argentina,
Carneval, and we get a day off work too; well, a day out of
the office anyway. Dan’s working on security camera wiring and a
presentation for Christian Sarmiento to use at Naz HQ tomorrow!
Last week included Valentine’s Day
and, while it’s not celebrated in a huge way here, I wanted to
share Valentine’s Day treats with our co-workers. I get any number
of emails with creative ideas for cooking and holidays, so I had an
idea in mind. We bought a bag of lollipops and made colored paper
into hearts and leaves, using glue to make them into Valentine
flower-pops, and standing them up in a plastic container filled with
cracked corn.
Before we went out that evening, Dan
and I had permission to borrow the Toyota camion(pickup), so
we ran to Jumbo for a few groceries. On the way back to the truck, we
passed a flower kiosk and Dan bought me a large bunch of miniature,
pale pink roses – gorgeous and they smelled wonderful all the rest
of the week as they opened! After taking the groceries home, we had
8:30 reservations so we headed out for a romantic dinner at Amore
Mio, an Italian restaurant. They had tables set up outside as
well as inside; we opted for an inside table, all with oil candles
lit. Our waitress was very understanding of our limited Spanish and
asked simple, short questions about our dinner choices and about
where we from and how long we were living in Pilar. We shared salmon
over spinach with a light creamy sauce after an antipasto platter –
Wednesday, our day was filled with
sporadic work among 4 Skype sessions to 3 different locations in the
U.S. Isn’t technology wonderful?!
In addition to watching our missionary
friends’ speaking schedules (Home Assignment in the States) and
praying for them, we’re keeping an eye on our friend Dawn who had
brain tumor surgery. She’s back in the hospital this week and we’re
praying that the doctors will find the right balance of medication.
Our Peruvian friend, Anna Melva (who lives and works here with
NYI/JNI and in the church we attend), is recovering from a tumor
removal also. Melva is having trouble sleeping and is in a lot of
pain. We took some banana bread to her and her mother and visited a
little, not to tire her too much. We’re also keeping tabs on Thea,
to do what we can to help keep her from getting too tired. She’ll
leave to go back State-side on Thursday, and will continue to work
for the SAM Region remotely as she faces possible surgery and tries
to better manage her health.
Yesterday, a large group of people
arrived in 4 buses for a group baptism, to “christen” our new
pool! They lined up in white sack-like robes (almost like angels
without wings). It looked like about 50 people were baptized, 2 at a
time, while their families watched. Dan and I were asked to take a
few photos for the website; the photos will be great on the
campground’s website to show other church groups how the facilities
(and the new pool!) can be used.
Knowing too that our time here is
short, only 7 weeks left, we’re starting the thought processes
about what we’ll be able to do remotely, in our continuing
relationship with the SAM Region. Another couple has committed to
coming 2 weeks before we leave, to work on-site. I’ve been
making a long list of kitchen things we can leave for them (things
they won’t have to bring or buy). And we’re looking forward to
giving them an orientation to life and work in Pilar! Four and a half months ago we had no idea that we would be the ones to do this but God is in control and His plans are far better than anything we had or have in mind.

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