The second week of October, I had a unique experience! Usually Dan does all the driving when we
visit another country, mainly because I’ve never learned to drive a stick
shift! But there were guests arriving
soon and there was no one else available to go to the grocery store in the next
town. So I was given a list of a few
things to stock the fridge AND the keys to the only automatic vehicle and, a
little nervously, I drove the few kilometers and accomplished the task. I delivered the groceries, returned the key,
and went back to work, nervous for nothing!

All the missionaries have been very friendly and very kind
to us; they’re a great group of people!
Heidi Bowes invited us and 2 other volunteers, Matt and Zarah, over on
Saturday to experience her favorite Swiss dish – raclette!
Having a raclette dinner is a very social
occasion, a little like a fondue party!
Heidi spent a good deal of time cutting and chopping lots of foods and setting
them out in bowls on the table, around a raclette maker. Some machines are
electric and some use something like Sterno to heat up the ingredients you
choose to put in your individual tray (like a small shovel), topping it with a
slice of special raclette cheese. While the cheese melts, it’s time to choose a
small baked potato and mash it on your plate. And after the cheese is melted,
the tray contents are scraped off onto the potato – VERY delicious! We all
tried different combination of food (pears, pickles, olives, slices of salami,
mushrooms, olives, cashews) until we had no more room. Then she brought out
cookies and lemon gelato for dessert! We talked and laughed and shared; what a
great evening spent with friends!
a link to the history behind it – this used to be done by shepherds over a
While Nancy and Brad were away for a week, some things were
added to my regular office duties – cleaning an apartment for the new Regional
Director. No problem - we’re here to serve!
I know they didn’t mind missing all the roadwork being done on the main
street in Büsingen, just feet from our office building!

Saturday, we borrowed a car and drove further into
Switzerland to experience the Alps up close. I think there are permanent indentations in
the passenger seat from me clutching it (as I leaned away from the edges of the road), but we made it to Gotthard Pass, took photos of the snow, and enjoyed a lunch of
spaëtzle – small, boiled-then-fried
dumplings with ham and cheese – a heavenly German version of mac ‘n cheese!
Here’s the recipe I’m going to try when we return to the States:
These are only a few of the unique, interesting and (mostly) enjoyable benefits of being available to serve where ever God leads. Even the challenging moments are treasured memories.
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