Outside after our tour, it was still raining quite heavily, but we walked for blocks, headed for a restaurant Gaby had in mind, for a plato del dia (plate of the day) of typical Tico food. That restaurant was not open for lunch on this day, much to Gaby’s disappointment, so we walked back a few blocks to a well-known panadería (bakery), where we had a large dinner of delicious, homemade food, still laughing about all the walking and the strange “art.”
We got right on Dan’s computer and Skyped with our friend Cindy, who’s a missionary in Argentina – we’ll be seeing her soon! Then it was time for aerobics with the other missionary ladies and we got to exercise for a while on the deck of the pool, then got in to do some aqua-aerobics – what fun! Getting out of the pool, after feeling so light and mobile in the water, I suddenly felt very heavy. I wrapped up in a large towel and walked across the way to our home where Dan said, “Did you feel the earthquake? It was just about 8 minutes ago.” Oh! Maybe that’s why I felt so strange on the pool deck! It turned out to be a 6.6 magnitude earthquake centered north of here, closer to Poas, where we’ll be in a couple of weeks! What an eventful day!
This was one of those weeks, for sure, with back-to-back activities each day! After our morning lessons and lunch, Allie Tooley came over (she’s 13 and home-schooled) for a second knitting lesson. It’s really fun to teach her and she’s determined to master the 2 basic stitches and how to combine them for different patterns. She’s a good student and fun to be with! Later, Dan and I Skyped with our friend Erica in Poland; she’s fulfilling a long-time missionary dream of Christian coffee shop ministry in Krakow!

Our evening was full as well! We had plans to go out with Tico friends Pey and Crhis and their 2 children. It was Pey’s birthday and we went to one of his favorite places, a Mexican restaurant, Antojeria (which translates to something like “cravings”), then to Pops for ice cream cones, with even a short stop for groceries at Mas X Menos (More for Less). Pey and Crhis have agreed to the the national trainers and coordinators of Teen Bible Quizzing here in Costa Rica. This in addition to being the youth ministry leaders of their local church and Pey's responsibilities a the Principle of a major Christian school here in San Jose. They will do a great job.

Our evening was full as well! We had plans to go out with Tico friends Pey and Crhis and their 2 children. It was Pey’s birthday and we went to one of his favorite places, a Mexican restaurant, Antojeria (which translates to something like “cravings”), then to Pops for ice cream cones, with even a short stop for groceries at Mas X Menos (More for Less). Pey and Crhis have agreed to the the national trainers and coordinators of Teen Bible Quizzing here in Costa Rica. This in addition to being the youth ministry leaders of their local church and Pey's responsibilities a the Principle of a major Christian school here in San Jose. They will do a great job.
Thursday was, thankfully, a bit calmer, with classes and planning for our weekend away! Friday, after lessons and a quick lunch, we got to Economy car rental once again, loaded up our suitcases and Dan drove us to a place recommended by David and Shelley. It was farther than Jaco Beach (where we’d been a couple of weeks earlier), but we found the Hotel Playa Bejuco (say “PLAH-ya Bay-HOO-co”) at Bejuco Beach, got settled in, then walked about a half block to a long, shiny beach where a sunset was ready to blossom. We took photos, watched a few others stroll along this wide stretch of dark sand with constantly crashing waves, and totally relaxed! It was great to take a few deep breaths and not be on a schedule! Back at the hotel, we cleaned up and went to their restaurant. There were other guests, but we had a private dinner for a while, enjoying our refrescas (fruit drinks) and outstanding Sea Bass Cardinal and a pasta dish.

The TacoBar restaurant was our destination again for lunch and we sat on the swings on the outside of the bar to enjoy our mango smoothies and awesome grilled tuna and mahi mahi soft tacos with their great salad bar.
Our drive back to San Jose was leisurely and included a stop for lunch at RostiPollo, a local chain of roasted chicken restaurants. After turning in the car, a taxi was hailed for us; the taxi driver was familiar with the seminary and took us to our door! And after such a relaxing weekend, it was time to do some laundry, check our homework, and get ready for a new week! Truly, the time away felt like more than 48 hours, and it was a refreshment to our minds and bodies.
God provides all we need – and so much more!
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