a busy couple of weeks this has been! Two families have returned from
deputation tours in the U.S. and it feels more like a neighborhood
already! Carlos and Robin Radi arrived the first Monday evening,
back from a 3-month deputation tour in the U.S. They spoke over 80
times in 60 days! That evening, we had quite a tormenta
(storm), not much of a “welcome
we Skyped with Thea, keeping in touch and coordinating our team
efforts. Regional Director Christian Sarmiento (our boss) was in
Argentina for a few days. We met with him and Liliana Radi and Carlos
Fernandez about our ongoing relationship with them and the SAM
Region, how things can work as we continue to work remotely, via the
internet. Christian was joined here by General Superintendent David
Graves and his wife Sharon, although we didn’t get to see them this
time before they headed off to more district assemblies and
ordination services in other South American countries.