This has been an interesting week! It seems like more of my office skills are being used now, while still copying documents and scheduling literature orders to be shipped.
We had a bad storm Tuesday night with LOTS of rain and heavy winds! Usually I enjoy a listening to a little rain on the roof but, with the outside of this house being MOSTLY roof, the auditory enjoyment was a little lost when it sounded like the wind was going to REMOVE the roof! We lost power at about 4:30 a.m. We got up as usual anyway (to Dan’s phone alarm) and showered and fixed breakfast, thankful that the hot water heater and the stove are NOT electric!! After morning staff devotions, the power came back on – AND the Internet, just in time for all of us to get on our computers and work!
It’s actually fun to go grocery shopping here, but it takes lots longer than at home. When we go to the Jumbo, for instance, after the guard opens the big security gate for us, we walk across the street from our compound to the bus stop. When we see a bus coming comes, it must be flagged down (arm outstretched) or the driver won’t stop. We get on, telling the driver how much we will spend according to where we plan to get off (uno cinquenta usually, which is 1 peso + 50 centavos) and each insert a prepaid bus pass into a machine that deducts that amount from the total left. Cash (coins) is OK too! We ride the bus to the stop at the large intersection where the Seminary is; we have to be paying attention, getting up and lurching (there are plenty of speed bumps and uneven pavement) to the back of the bus to press the buzzer that notifies the driver we want to get off at the next stop. Then we walk a block getting around the corner to a place where we can cross this very busy street, hike across the Easy (like Home Depot) parking lot, through the entire shopping center (it’s beautiful, all open-air with palms and planters and fountains) to the big grocery store on the opposite end! We’re acquainted with the store now, but still search for things we haven’t purchased before; they’re not always where we expect them to be! Fortunately, this store takes credit cards, so we don’t have to rely on having enough cash on hand.
But we do have to be careful how much we buy, because we’ve got to carry it all back on the bus! Reverse all the previous instructions and we’re finally back at the Alpina, our A-frame home, ready to put the groceries away and fix some dinner!
But we do have to be careful how much we buy, because we’ve got to carry it all back on the bus! Reverse all the previous instructions and we’re finally back at the Alpina, our A-frame home, ready to put the groceries away and fix some dinner!
Saturday is getting to be our outing day – and it’s been so much fun to spend a day with Cindy Downey! She’s still working on getting gifts for folks at home and wanted to get some things from the zoo gift shop and, besides, it had been a while since she’d been at this zoo, so she invited us to go too! Bioparque Temaikèn is in Escobar, a short drive from Pilar. We drove past quite a few gated communities (locally they’re called “countries” since they might have their own country club inside the walls too).

What a fun day! That evening, there was a school choir staying in the compound (they’d had an early evening performance). I’d been asked to take some photos, for the website, of the dining hall when they were there. Having had permission granted (from the parents and leaders) to take the photos, Dan and I went over at the appropriate time and did that, after greeting the kitchen workers and getting them to pose for us too!
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